BEC Co-Chair, Jerrold Keilson, opens the WDR18: Conversation with the Implementersevent on 11/24/17
Washington, D.C.- On Tuesday, October 24th, 40 representatives from NGOs, USAID, and the World Bank met to celebrate and discuss the World Bank’s World Development Report 2018 (WDR18): LEARNING to Realize Education’s Promise. The WDR is the World Bank’s flagship report, which is prepared annually on a specific topic of global importance. For the first time in almost 40 years of the WDR series, the focus is on education.
The objective of this WDR is to provide guidance on how to integrate education, learning, and skills with the drive to meet broader development challenges. The World Bank reached out to BEC to organize an event that would provide expert technical feedback on WDR recommendations and next steps for implementation.
Participants heard an overview of the WDR18 by Co-Directors Deon Filmer and Halsey Rogers, followed by remarks by BEC and USAID representatives. The overview, main messages, and full report are available online. There was ample time for Q&A, and breakout sessions convened around the topics of Early Childhood Development, Measuring Learning, Education in Crisis, and U.S. Advocacy. The event concluded with a share-out from the breakout session leaders and summary remarks.
BEC and the World Bank are composing an event summary for distribution and look forward to continuing these conversations between the implementers, the World Bank, and USAID, with the shared goal of greater learning outcomes for all children, everywhere.