Keeping Girls in School Act

Over the past several months, BEC has been working with our partners in Congress as well as the Girls Not Brides coalition on the Keeping Girls in School Act. We are in the final stages of negotiations and expect to introduce the bill in the House of Representatives the week of September 24th. An initial version of this bill was introduced in the Senate in May 2017 by Senator Shaheen (D-NH). This bill will be a great way for Congress to express support for international education for adolescent girls, and if passed would ensure that USAID continues to address the specific barriers that adolescent girls face in continuing their secondary education. KGISA also codifies the Global Strategy to Empower Adolescent Girls into law and requires successive five-year renewals of the strategy. If your organization is interested in endorsing this legislation when it is introduced next week, please email Kirby ( for more information.
