BEC Statement on the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021

The Basic Education Coalition is grateful to Chairwoman Nita Lowey (D-NY), Ranking Member Hal Rogers (R-KY), Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Ranking Member Patrick Leahy (D-NH), and other Members of Congress for including $950 million for international basic education in the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. The Basic Education Coalition also congratulates Chairwoman Nita Lowey on the well-deserved honor of designating funds for international basic education in this Act as the Nita M. Lowey Basic Education Fund.

In a time when nearly 1.5 billion children and youth have had their education disrupted by COVID-19, this vital increase in support for education will address the urgent and growing needs of vulnerable populations. School closures and lack of access to distance learning resources pose long-term risks to children’s learning, mental and physical health, nutrition, and well-being. U.S. foreign assistance helps mitigate these risks by providing innovative solutions to support the continued development and education of children and youth around the world.

The fiscal year 2021 funding for international basic education, including the $150 million for girls’ education in conflict areas, will support efforts to improve and expand access to distance learning opportunities, safely reopen schools, launch inclusive re-enrollment campaigns, and establish remedial and accelerated learning programs to ensure that children and youth continue on their academic journey and complete their education. The Basic Education Coalition encourages Members of Congress to support this critical funding for international basic education and pass the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021.