In a moving display of bipartisanship, the House Appropriations Committee adopted an amendment offered by Congressman Hal Rogers (R-KY) and Congresswoman Kay Granger (R-TX) to the FY2021 State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs appropriations bill that renames funds provided for basic education as the Nita M. Lowey Basic Education Fund.
The Basic Education Coalition congratulates Congresswoman Nita Lowey (D-NY) on this extraordinarily well-deserved honor. Congresswoman Lowey’s dedication to improving access to quality education for children and youth around the world is unparalleled, and we are truly grateful for her many years of service.
“This amendment designates the funding made available in the act for basic education as the Nita M. Lowey Basic Education Fund. Our distinguished Chair is admired and respected around the world because of her dedication and hard work in pursuit of global development, and she is passionate about these issues. But her top priority is basic education. She’s educated many of us on the fact that basic education is fundamental in building successful development programs. Madame Chair, your efforts have indeed been heroic, and your passion an inspiration to all of us and to the world. This amendment is intended to remind all of us to carry on your good work in your name, and we shall.”
“No one can say they have done more than Nita Lowey to advance the cause of basic education, especially for the most vulnerable. Her legacy will be a generation of educated girls who will have the power to shape their future and ours.”
“As I have said many, many times, education is the greatest force multiplier in foreign aid. We are losing our greatest opportunity by not ensuring the 300 million children who were out of school before the current crisis have this basic right. Now with the closure of schools facing billions of young people and record setting conflict and displacement, it is particularly important to address the educational needs of children and young people in crisis and conflict settings. When I joined the Congress, we were spending roughly $67 million on basic education. I am incredibly proud that this bill today includes $975 million for these programs... Please don’t give up on these young people, and get them back into school. Our number is even greater than before the current crisis. They are our best hope for better leadership, new discoveries, and a safe planet.”