BEC Welcomes Unbounded Associates as a New Member!


Unbounded Associates was founded in 2018 to help bridge the gap between research, policy and practice in global education. We focus on taking what works in education and applying it in context-specific, culturally appropriate ways to make change. We draw upon our technical and communications expertise and a vast network of colleagues around the world to deliver insights and strategies on educational challenges.

Our work ranges from monitoring and evaluation projects to developing stakeholder engagement strategies to technical leadership. Our team also possess a wide scope of thematic expertise including learning measurement and data use; early childhood care and education; education in emergencies and crisis; and system transformation and delivery. Current and past clients include: The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Global Partnership for Education, UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Southeast Asia Ministers of Education Organisation (SEAMEO), Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi, the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies, Moving Minds Alliance, UNICEF, RTI International, the International Commission on Financing Education Opportunity, and USAID as a subcontractor to the ECD Measure Group.

As an organization passionate about making a difference for children’s learning worldwide, Unbounded Associates brings together the right people, at the right time, and with the financial and technical resources to catalyze change.

Welcome to BEC!