BEC Welcomes Team4Tech as a New Member!


Team4Tech works to improve the quality of education for underserved learners around the world through technology solutions and training. Since 2013, Team4Tech has advanced the quality of learning for over 65,000 learners, as reached by our 25 nonprofit partners in 18 countries.

Team4Tech partners with established, high performing nonprofits for three to five years to help realize the nonprofit’s goals for integrating technology to increase educational outcomes for underserved learners. Team4Tech collaborates with each nonprofit to define the goals and metrics of the partnership as well as the scope of annual projects, which contribute 1300 hours of pro bono consulting and technology grants of up to $15,000. For each project, a team of pro bono consultants from leading technology companies works with nonprofit staff for about eight weeks to learn about the nonprofit’s goals. The consultants design technology solutions and training to meet those goals as well as the needs of staff, learners, and local context. The pro bono consultants then spend 1-2 weeks onsite (or virtually), working with nonprofit staff and teachers to implement the technology and build capacity to use the technology effectively in teaching and learning. The goal is to improve educational outcomes for learners and empower them with the skills they will need for economic and employment opportunities.